It was just a normal day until Lima found the codes to make his robot perform an unbelievable task. Moldy figured out how to make a robot do dangerous missions for police officers. After one month Lima’s robots were being sold to police stations all around the world. Moldy became famous all around the world for his invention. Six months later, the police robots were doing most of the police missions.The robots were successful every time they went on a mission.
One day some well-known criminals kidnapped Moldy and asked him to program a robot to do heists. Moldy was held at gunpoint and was asked to train the robot. After one month, the robot was fully trained on how to use weapons and was out doing heists for the criminals. The criminals were stealing money from banks and breaking into police stations and stealing guns, they were all over the news.
A month later …show more content…
Moldy figured out how to make a robot do dangerous missions for police officers. After one month Lima’s robots were being sold to police stations all around the world. Moldy became famous all around the world for his invention. Six months later, the police robots were doing most of the police missions.The robots were successful every time they went on a mission.
One day some well-known criminals kidnapped Moldy and asked him to program a robot to do heists. Moldy was held at gunpoint and was asked to train the robot. After one month, the robot was fully trained on how to use weapons and was out doing heists for the criminals. The criminals were stealing money from banks and breaking into police stations and stealing guns, they were all over the news.
A month later and a new inventor invented something even better, stronger and more powerful it was called Chappie. The police stations bought the new invention and sent it out to try and kill the criminals and their