Thesis statement: A broader strategy is needed to completely overcome ISIL in Iraq.
As far as my opinion is concerned, I think the military campaign has done much in a year to overcome ISIL. As we can see that, there have been great victories against the terror group in a past year. These victories depict the significance of the military campaign and its activities in the region. As the facts show that Iraqi troops have taken back Tikrit along with its other parts. Moreover, Hassakeh has been conquered by Syrian regime troops, while Iraqi Kurds took over Kobane. These victories depict the significance of military campaign and its activities in the region.
We can also observe …show more content…
The major aim at that point of time was to avoid the worse and make betterments afterwards.
The other perspective of the same issue has also some major points that are needed to be shed light on. The major issue is that military campaign is not being able to bring all this to an end. The terror group still exists and killing them has not proven to be the ultimate solutions because the group is recruiting more members into the team as they are being killed in the activity. The use of airstrikes and bombing missions alone are not the ultimate solution of this problem. The US government has also admitted the fact that “no meaningful degradation in their numbers” has been found.
We can say that they have accomplished the first part but now everyone is concerned with the future prospects of the military campaign. A question pops up in mind whether the military campaign will be able to remove the terror group completely or not. If yes, then how long will it take to happen? There has already been a year of this activity and we cannot afford to let it continue for further a year. If not, then what would be next solution to achieve further targets after the accomplishment of initial goals? There is no doubt that everyone is against this terror group and it is the