Ray has bipolar disorder, which is a mental disorder in which the patient experiences stages of extreme sadness, stages feeling normal, and manic stages, stages where the patient feels hyper, however sometimes they feel very anxious. Various symptoms of bipolar disorder include constant mood swings, suicidal thoughts, a loss of appetite, loss of sexual desire, insomnia and oversleeping. Ray has bipolar disorder because his symptoms are almost exactly what was stated previously. In his case study, it is stated that he had a diminished appetite, trouble moving, extreme sadness and suicidal thoughts. Also when he was put on medication he felt hyper, yet anxious which shows his manic side. Ray’s symptoms also did match with other disorders such as major depression, however Ray does not have major …show more content…
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT, attempts to identify one’s unrealistically negative beliefs, and change them into positive beliefs. CBT attempts to do this through goals and conditioning, for example, if one has a problem speaking out in public, the therapist would attempt to change the negative thoughts associated with public speaking, to positive thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would be effective to help treat Ray because the therapist would be able to find Ray’s unrealistically negative thoughts, and help him thing of them in a positive manner. Also CBT is frequently used to treat alcohol problems and Ray did have a prior history with