However, ten days after the verdict, the Constitutional Court annulled a portion of the decision, “based on an alleged violation… the violation involved RM’s dismissal of his entire defense team on the first day of the trial and brief expulsion of his defense counsel, leaving him unrepresented for a few hours.” (Neier). Ultimately, the trial set aside the testimony of witnesses who appeared during the hours he, Ríos Montt, remained underrepresented (Guatemala: Will Justice Be Done?). Many suspect the court was involved with lobbyists connected with CACIF, Guatemala’s leading business association that wanted the verdict to be overturned. The retrial was ordered for early 2015, but kept being postponed due to various issues concerning one of the three judges needing to recuse and the mental deterioration of Ríos Montt himself, now an 89-year-old man whose dementia has left him unable to understand the charges against him. There is no word currently whether a retrial will ever
However, ten days after the verdict, the Constitutional Court annulled a portion of the decision, “based on an alleged violation… the violation involved RM’s dismissal of his entire defense team on the first day of the trial and brief expulsion of his defense counsel, leaving him unrepresented for a few hours.” (Neier). Ultimately, the trial set aside the testimony of witnesses who appeared during the hours he, Ríos Montt, remained underrepresented (Guatemala: Will Justice Be Done?). Many suspect the court was involved with lobbyists connected with CACIF, Guatemala’s leading business association that wanted the verdict to be overturned. The retrial was ordered for early 2015, but kept being postponed due to various issues concerning one of the three judges needing to recuse and the mental deterioration of Ríos Montt himself, now an 89-year-old man whose dementia has left him unable to understand the charges against him. There is no word currently whether a retrial will ever