After arduous negotiations, and very complainingly times, the military commanders decided to accept a reduction in the number of their troops, and the dismissing of individuals and units responsible for human rights crimes, including some massacres such as the one in El Mozote, performed in December 1981 by the Atlacatl Battalion, in which about 30,000 people were kill. Dagoberto Gutiérrez, a former guerrilla commander who also participated in the negotiations points out that “There must be a countrywide agreement with an institutional focus… free from ideologies, motivated only by the desire for a better nation,” (Britannica, p.2). which this help the country to be able to agree to new changes, therefore, this agreement had led to the military forces to accomplished their new change to allow the national civilian police to do their job. Another, important part that, the Salvadoran government had to make decisions was with the Judicial and Electoral Reforms to be able to help society in the best way. …show more content…
Therefore, an independent national judicial assembly was established to substitute a fair and autonomous bench; also, some schools for judicial trainings were established to improve the professionalism of magistrates and other judicial officials, so the government could do the best from the human rights regulations. Also, a special commission was established to study the current reforms to the electoral code. In addition, Ramón Villalta states that “As long as the (composition of the) Supreme Court remains in the hands of the Asamblea Legislativa (Congress) and is subject to the agreements between party leaderships, it will serve those interests and help society” (Wiarda, p. 213) As well as, the economy was part of the benefits that society was having problem with, the government is still not be able to make changes. Leslie V. Tischausen emphasizes that “Economic and political