Martin Luther King Jr. was an American civil rights leader who was shot at the Lorraine Motel in Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. Martin was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:00.
Martin Luther King was shot to die at a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. A shot fired by James Earl Ray from over 200 feet away at a nearby motel struck Martin in the head and neck. He died that day at the hospital. …show more content…
He was shot in the head and neck.A confirmed racist and small-time criminal, Ray began plotting the assassination of revered
civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in early 1968. He shot and killed King in Memphis on April 4, 1968, confessing to the crime the following March.
This essay was about the assassination of Martin Luther King. This essay tells you who killed him and how he did. Martin was killed by one shot to the neck and