Henner’s book is easy to follow and to understand. The book is focused on becoming a healthier individual through life style changes instead of losing weight quickly. This plan is meant to be a permanent diet and life style change. Henner talks about balancing the foods one consumes. She has a scale which includes expansive and contractive foods then breaks it down into plant derivatives, plant foods, and contractive foods. During this chapter the main focus is on balancing ones diet which we know is essential to overall health. The information on balancing includes dieting planning principles in which the text book includes like adequacy, kcalorie control, nutrient density, moderation, and variety. Henner educates her readers about the dangers of processed foods specifically chemicals, additives, and preservatives. She also places value on eating organically. Breaking addiction to caffeine and nicotine is also a chapter. Readers are encouraged to weigh the pros and cons of the health effects of having meat in their diet. The book introduces the concept of food combining. Henner gives information on basic health complications such as heartburn, constipation, and high blood pressure. Readers are encouraged to listen to their bodies and to track various patterns that seem different such as sleep patterns. The back of the book provides a variety of nutritious recipes. Another positive aspect of this book is Henner explains some systems of the body and a few chronic illnesses. The biggest down fall of Henner’s book is that she speaks negativity towards a few food groups as a whole and encourages readers to take these food groups of their diet completely. For example she encourages first cutting down on one’s sugar intake then advises to completely cut sugar out of the diet. She does something similar with dairy products and meats. On the other hand she recommends high intake of soy. Though the book is easy to understand the diet presents many challenges. Many reads find it nearly impossible to cut out so many foods they enjoy eating. In addition the advice is difficult to follow on a tight budget. Some of her “facts” about …show more content…
Henner has no nutrition credentials. She is a well-known actress who has been on television and in theater for over thirty years. Henner began the writing portion of her career in the late 1900’s. The majority of her books are about health and fitness. She has done hours of research and is considered a reliable source. Some of the content in her books is based off personal experience. Henner has spoken to the government, organizations and in classrooms about health and fitness. It is debatable if Henner should be dispensing information regarding dieting and overall health, however her options have been received with open arms and