Processed Food In America Essay

Improved Essays
Most people will agree that healthy eating takes place when we regularly consume a variety of foods that are filled with nutrients. Nutrients are typically found in foods that contain, grains, proteins and fiber. A daily consumption of these foods will provide the body with the essential stuff that it needs. Fruits, vegetables, and fish, are just three foods should be eaten daily. It is the nutrients that are found in these foods allow the body to operate at its optimal potential, gives us energy and reduce our chances of sicknesses and diseases. Notably, it is because of personal reasons, that healthy eating has become important to me. By the same token, it is the increasing weight of Americans, and the cost of health care that healthy eating is now a large focus in this country. In reality, obesity related illnesses account for about 39 million lost work days each year (Kansas State University). As it stands, the United States is now the most obese country in North America ( The purpose of this paper is to persuade every …show more content…
Great examples of processed foods are, canned soups, potato chips, and breakfast cereals. In fact, most processed foods including those I listed, and those served at most fast food restaurants, use refined ingredient and artificial sugars. Processed foods in my opinion, are foods that are no longer in their natural state. I associate most of these foods with the ones that are packaged in boxes, bags or can. It should also be said that almost all processed foods contain salt and refined sugars. Unlike, the natural sugars that are found in fruits, refined sugars are chemically produced and added to foods such as breakfast cereals, luncheon meats and donuts. Research has shown that refined sugar has a devastating effect on the body. Too much sugar can lead to obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes (Authority

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