Party at Senor Frogs on Broadway at the Beach! So, you woke up this morning and your head was pounding, your body was aching, and you saw a Mexican Sombrero on your hotel room dresser. What do you mean “What happened last night?” You went to Senor Frogs!…
To aid their hiding, they spend most of their time hidden under the sand mostly only moving to sway with the ocean. (National Geographic) Their flattened body helps them easily wedge themselves under the sand. Since they can camouflage themselves so easily, it’s scary that they’re actually very dangerous to humans. A stingray’s tail is barbed and loaded with an excruciatingly painful toxin.…
Introduction North Stradbroke Island ( NSI )is the second largest sand island and it consists almost entirely of sand, with rocks ar Point Lookout and small remnants of sandstone at Dunwich. in 1827 by Captain Henry John Rous named the island Stradbroke island after his father, the Earl of Stradbroke. NSI is a cherished and endangered land with even a rainforest at Myora Springs near Dunwich. There are more than 15 types of mammals including wallabies, kangaroos, echidnas, koalas, and bandicoots... The following report will consider the impacts of sand mining on North Stradbroke Island, in conjunction with the destruction of the environment, loss jobs, and financial benefits Sibelco Sand mining…
Before I start typing this information about this lizard. I would like to give Morgan Phillips a shoutout for showing me this animal :) The leaping lesbian lizard is another name for the New Mexico Whiptail lizard. This lizard was produced through interbreeding of two native species of lizard. This lizard lives in southern United States and northern Mexico.…
Sea turtles became endangered because of civilization's encroachment on their nesting environments, illegal poaching and fishing mishaps. Adult turtles nest and lay their eggs on land, and the baby sea turtles, after hatching, move to the sea because they're attracted to natural light over the horizon that reflects off the ocean's waves. Unfortunately, only about one out of 1,000 babies survives until adulthood because of predators that include birds, crabs, raccoons, dogs, aquatic predators and other threats that attack the eggs and hatchlings. Even adult sea turtles…
Care should be taken that spotlights do not cause burns on these serpents. A dish of water should always be available in their cages for drinking and for small snakes to soak in. As these snakes go larger, the dish should be replaced with a tub or pool of…
The poisonous lizard that lives here is the Gila monster. The eastern fox squirrel, the largest native squirrel in North America, inhabits this area, too. The nine-banded armadillo is a native animal here as…
Mike Cawthon BIO106-Topics in Environmental Science Professor Julie Allman October 22nd, 2014 An exotic predator's ecological impact on Florida ecosystems The sub-tropical environment of southern Florida supports a wide variety of introduced exotic reptile and amphibian species. The majority of these species were introduced by human activities. Irresponsible keepers, animal dealers, and the international trade has released large predators like African and Asian pythons, South American tegu lizards, and African monitor lizards into new ecosystems, which have the potential to create environmental havoc in ecosystems where no such predators exist. Varanus niloticus, the Nile monitor, is an African monitor lizard which was introduced into…
Python Essay (Argumentative) Vicious Burmese Pythons are roaming the Everglades and affecting them in various ways… But how much more are they capable of? Although these reptiles have no toxic venom, they are quite clever at killing and causing some animals to go extinct. Other reasons include tricking residents to adopt them with their gaudy skin patterns and changing the ecosystems.…
The earth cease to amaze you everyday. In Texas, a new species was discovered in a fossil. The species name is Solastella cookei. The worm lizard belongs to a group of reptiles called amphisbaenians. The name is given to the reptile group because their “long bodies and reduced or absent limbs give them an earthworm-like appearance.”…
An interesting fact about the central bearded dragon is that they can somehow lock their legs in a position so they are able to sleep standing up. In this assignment I will do a research and find out what their natural habitat is, what they need in captivity and what feed they should get. I will get this information from credible sources, such as, which I will present at the end of this assignment. The Central bearded dragon is a reptile living in Eastern and Central Australia.…
The predator and prey relationship that these animals have are quite complicated. Poisonous snakes, birds, wild dogs, and jackals often prey on them, but sand cats prey on animals like non-poisonous snakes, several types of gerbils, lizards, geckos, vipers, different types of insects, and various other invertebrates. The sand vole is an animal from the rural part of Morocco, similar to a rat or mouse, that has a parasitism relationship with the cats.. The sand cat benefits from the sand vole by eating it and gaining the nutrients. The sand vole is not…
The Diamondback Rattlesnake is a creature of beauty and power. It has magnificently placed diamonds on its back and powerful fangs that can strike at any time. Even though their beautiful, they are feared as overly dangerous because of their venom. Diamondbacks are family of the viperidae, more commonly known as the snake family. The eastern Diamondbacks can exceed the ten feet length while it’s relative, western Diamondbacks, can only reach seven feet, and unlike the black tail and rock rattler, it tends to coil when it feels threatened.…
The turtles are slaughtered for their eggs, meat, hide, and their shells. This may impact natural sex ratios of hatchlings and increase the likelihood of disease outbreaks for sea turtles. Sea turtles suffer from poaching and over fishing. They are facing habitat destruction and accidental capture in fishing gear. Climate change has an impact on turtle nesting sites.…