The Blue Crabs Promise Summer Excitement For those living in Charles County, MD, one of the greatest summer pastimes is catching The Blue Crabs play a game or two. The Blue Crabs are a minor league baseball team that offer excitement for their fans all year long. The team plays from April through August, which gives residents plenty of time to catch several games. One of the most exciting portions of this season is the addition to roster that was just announced earlier this year, Steve Lombardozzi.…
A Kaleb Lamb Ms. Gourd English 9 May 7, 2018 ESSKEETIT!! One day deep in the highland and plains of South Africa. Two friends were dropped of by there helicopter to explore this bare landscape. The two boys were friends back in the United States.…
He emerges from his den with his claws raised aggressively. The female crab responds with a a couple nudges or by turning away. Then the female raises her claws and places them on his head to let him know she is ready to mate. They enter the den, and a few hours to several days later, the female molts. Then the male, who remains amalgamated-shelled, inserts his first pair of swimmerets, and transfers his DNA into a receptacle in the female's body.…
These hydrothermal vents, sometimes called “black smokers” because they secrete dark water, but most importantly the water that comes from these vents reach a temperature of about 720 degrees Fahrenheit. The mix of the very high and very low temperature waters make it the best place for these crabs can live. They cannot survive long outside of their “thermal envelope” because they can freeze to death.…
Another animal adapted to the abiotic factors of the Nudgee Beach mangrove ecosystem is the common soldier crab (Mictyris longicarpus). The common soldier crab is a small crustacean that typically travels in “armies” of thousands to ensure strength in numbers when feeding. Soldier crabs feed off of particle detritus in the mudflat sediment and retreat back into the sand as the tide rises [11]. With their jointed legs and pointed dactylus, soldier crabs are able to burrow underground and can remain secluded – by creating an air pocket around them – for as long as the tide is high. This…
At that time, you’ll be able to see the mudflats and rocky shore, which are home to many animals, like sand crabs. To make sure you get this optimal viewing, consult a tide chart as tides change daily. All forms of collecting are prohibited in the Crab Cove Marine Protected Area. Further, while you’re invited to explore, you’re asked to do so carefully. If you move any small rocks, put them back in their original position as intertidal creatures are sensitive to the sun and wind.…
Found in lakes, ponds and any area that well have any rocky substance or logs. Rusty Crayfish, is an invader that has invaded lakes in the northern reagan. There robust claws that most members of the Orconectes genius don't have makes then an unique but dangerous species . It was first indentificaded as “Rusty ” in Belgrade, great pond in the late 1968. It curentaly was founded in Michigan, Massachusetts, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico and parts in New england expect wisconsin, canada and Ontario.…
Using observationational skills, the organisms were located and collected using a dip net. All of the specimens live in salt water habitats, with crab being found both on land and in the water. Starfish are bottom dewellers and found ether on top of, or slightly buried under the sand. They can be located by shuffling feet through the sand. Sea sponges adhere to the coral reefs, other rocky areas and the soft mud of shallower areas.…
Predators + Prey = Food Chain Harbor seals are prayed upon by many animals, but also eat many animals, known as pray. This creates the food chain and helps keep nature in balance. Adult Harbor seals eat many things including squid, crustaceans, molluscs, and a variety of fish; including, rockfish, herring, flounder, salmon, hake, and sand lance.…
This shows that a moratorium and Chesapeake Bay aid is needed, to stop eating crabs and letting them repopulate while the watermen contribute to the aid of the environment of crabs. However, the author doesn’t have any sources listed with credible evidence. Although the evidence has good points that may contribute to a declining crab population, there are no cited sources with scientific facts and…
Barnacles are an interesting marine species. Barnacles belong to the crustacean family, along with crabs and crayfish. They are arthropods, or invertebrates. Barnacles are unusual in that stand on their head and eat with their feet.…
The Manatee is a cute and big sea mammal weighing 440 - 1300 pounds and -14 feet! It's about the weight of a polar bear! Also a Manatee is like a platform you can stand on! It has a oval shaped head and oval shaped flippers that are used like paddles to help them move at a nice speed of 16 miles an hour. They can live to be about 40 years in the wild.…
Holding true to his prior studies, Horton explains how crab populations have not been able to rise to it’s full potential because a lack of female blue crabs in the region. While there are sufficient numbers to hold a stable food source, fisheries cannot continuously fish there as the numbers could deplete rapidly which is why it is used as a fallback for many companies. In 1993, scientists were seemingly ready to accept that they have finally reached a ‘stasis point’ where the ecosystem is now able to thriving again, and on the rise. While we did see a rise in crab populations and somewhat with oysters, in 2005, the records indicate that there is much more that can and should be…
Mercades Axton Serial Killer Project 5/15/17 My serial killer's name is Hamilton Fish, but he went by the name of Albert, the name of his dead sibling. He was also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria, The Boogey-Man and possibly the Brooklyn Vampire. Biological Information Birth and death date He was born on May 19th of 1870. Fish died on January 16th, 1936.…
The Mantis Shrimp looks like a shrimp, but it is in fact not any type of Shrimp. The Mantis Shrimp is a type of marine crustacean that lives in the ocean. The Mantis Shrimp has a beautiful look, because the color of its body look like a rainbow, and thus it is why it looks like a creature with such beauty. The Mantis Shrimp also has two secondary claws, and each claw has the ability/capability to retract itself, and then after that, it will release itself with an intense amount of speed and force. The release of the claws is so powerful, that when the Mantis Shrimp is in water, the claws are released so quickly that the temperature of the water that is surrounding the Mantis Shrimp boils.…