Making Climate Change Understandable Summary

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Comprehending Climate Change Climate change has been a pressing issue in our world. There are multiple factors that negatively impact our climate; ranging from businesses using fossil fuels, people’s negative habits, and so forth. Even though the government and a portion of society have been taking immediate action towards reducing further effects, there is still a good amount of people who are in denial of climate change or just do not understand it. There has been numerous articles, books, and talks about climate change and the dangers of it. One book that address the critical issue is the, “Making Climate Change Understandable,” by Joseph F. C. DiMento and Pamela Doughman. The author goes over four major barriers as to why people are having difficulty understanding it. It varies from …show more content…
The author lays out the barriers and breaks each part down. They give a clear understanding of why many people find it hard to grasp climate change and furthermore, take no action from it. The author talks about how the scientists consensus is inadequate when it comes to human contribution to climate change. The media plays a major role in influencing people’s judgement towards climate change and sometimes over exaggerates it. People are also often unfamiliar with scientists works and lack the understand of their complex vocabulary. It makes it a blur for people to comprehend and people often look for information that does resonate with their opinions and understanding. And lastly, climate change in general is very broad. People from different parts of the city or country could have various outlooks on climate change. Overall, climate change in general is a difficult matter to comprehend. But this article breaks out the barriers of what stops people from understanding it and the importance of climate

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