What is meant by "Make America Great Again"? The use of the word "again" can be depicted in the way that the meaning behind the slogan and what it perhaps suggests is to return back to a halcyon time of greatness. The greatness that has been ruined by the likes of social movements such as feminism, or perhaps immigration is what has made America lose its appeal in the war upon greatness and as to which country conquers above all else. Through media, this slogan has appealed towards a certain population. Throwing in the concept of great is usually accompanied by the word "powerful." Great is an aspirational word yet juxtaposed with a sense of danger at the same time. Furthermore, who is to make America great again, by the lack of an agency it is meant to appeal to a certain demographic. This rallying cry towards the concept of making America great again is most definitely affecting my life as well as many others such as friends, family, and even my community. …show more content…
One example is a policy in which Trump stands for and this is to defund Planned Parenthood due to reasons of being pro-life and against the idea of abortion. This can come across as a difficulty for women who wish to do so and are no longer able to, due to a right of theirs being taken away from them. However, on the other end of the spectrum, what I believe is a positive stance that Donald Trump has made is the elimination of taxes against individuals who have an income of less than $25,000. In addition to this, also applying higher tax rates against wealthy individuals. In regards to how the media has made an impact, the main point that stands out is that although Trump should not be taken seriously due to having argued policies such as banning members of a religion from entering the United States of America, or even his ideas of building a wall to separate the Mexican and United States border to prevent illegal immigration, it seems as though the more outlandish and grandiose the claims that he makes, the more media coverage he receives. The media seems to relish in the fact that he is acting in a way that should not be taken seriously, and providing him with free advertisement of his extreme views. However, the drawback of his constant exposure, is that there is a certain population who are highly influenced by every claim he makes through his blatant and obvious use of resentment and racism, and this enables Trump to achieve an even greater political gain by doing so, a domino effect inevitably comes into play. I have come to believe that the media offers both excitement for the individuals who are for making America great again, as well as anxiety for those who are worried for the future that has yet to unfold for American society. Therefore, to a certain extent, mainstream media may have overly focused on the “Make America Great Again” movement rather than bringing the public eyes attention to other pressing matters that