Another woman with end-stage respiratory and kidney failure. Her husband had died. She didn’t want to treat her illness. Her children couldn’t let her go. She lived with a feeding tube, and a dialysis catheter. Now we can think about it, how we can help dying patients to achieve their goals at the end of their lives. Sarah was seventy-two years old. She’d had declining health about several years. She had heart congestive heart failure from a heart attack and pulmonary fibrosis, a progressive and irreversible lung disease. Doctors tried to slow her disease with steroids, but he failed. Ultimately, she accepted hospice care. She has two children, and several grandchildren. Ridiculously expensive care for teriminal patients on their last dying breath bankrupts the medical system. However, the system fails us in the sense that it doesn’t provide us a way to die with dignity, to rest with no regrets, and to remorse with no unnecessarily prolonged pain.
Both of my grandfather had cerebral infarction. One of them died from that illness when I was 8 years old. I still remember what happened in those