As Agamemnon and Achilles question the suitors on why so many powerful men and warriors were brought to death in overwhelming numbers, the suitors reply that the mighty Odysseus returned home to take revenge upon them for the humiliation his family endured while they courted Penelope. After hearing of Penelope’s story, Agamemnon and Achilles praise Penelope for her “ ‘glory of her excellence [that] will not fade, instead the gods will create a song of delight for mortal ears, in honour of [her]’ ”(24.98-204). People are characterized by the people around them based on their loyalty no matter where they are. Despite not knowing Penelope personally, Achilles and Agamemnon characterize her as a faithful, good wife who is full of wisdom that would never ruin her husband’s image. Women during Odysseus’ time were expected to stay loyal in both body and heart towards their spouse, so Penelope fits into the role of a loyal wife in Greek culture as she overcame the temptations of remarriage during the years that her husband Odysseus was gone. She refused to remarry even though it had been almost over two decades since Odysseus left and also refused to believe that he would not return possibly due to death during the journey. Even though …show more content…
During this time period, Penelope’s choice of remaining constant and faithful was considered admirable by society who identified her as the good wife for never giving in to the world’s temptations. Down in Hades, Achilles and Agamemnon praise the wisdom and faithfulness of Penelope after hearing the story of how she stayed loyal to her husband while she was courted by the suitors during the years that Odysseus was away. On the other hand, they discuss the disloyalty of Agamemnon’s wife Clytemnestra who Down in Hades, Achilles and Agamemnon discuss the disloyalty of Agamemnon’s wife Clytemnestra who “[plotted] evil,