Lord Of The Flies Good Vs Evil

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The book Lord of the Flies is written by William Golding. In this book, an english airliner crashes. Only the survivors are young boys named Ralph, Piggy, and Jack. The boys soon discover many things about themselves, especially being capable of being good or evil. "A central theme of his oeuvre; the conflict between the forces of light and dark within the human soul" (Pritchett pg 1444). The book Lord of the Flies illustrates both good and evil. However, the book shows the concept evil over good. How can one tell that they are good or evil? In the Lord of the Flies, many characters must choose between good and evil. “The book explores the dark side of human nature and stresses the importance of reason and intelligence as tools for …show more content…
It doesn't. As a main focus of the book, evil takes over many of the characters. Forcing the characters to do unbearable crimes. “No adults survive the crash, and the novel is the story of the boy’s descent into chaos, disorder, and evil,” (Novels). Since, the boys are left on an island with no democracy and no adults to tell them what to do, many things take a turn for the worst. When they first arrived on the island, Ralph blows into a conch shell to gather. Although this was a good idea, the conch became a symbol for power. Whoever is talking and holding the conch possessed all the power at the moment. When on top of the mountain Jack says, “The conch doesn't count on top of the mountain,” (Golding 42). This shows that Jack had started becoming selfish. Soon after, Jack goes out for a hunt. “He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling," (Golding 58). Jack reacts in that manner after he kills a pig, soon he will start to kill other things. Jack however, is not the only the character who became evil. Ralph, also shows his dark side. “They are hopeless, the older ones aren't much better," (Golding 50). Ralph is talking and being cruel about the other boys on the island. Ralph is getting irritated with how the boys have been acting. He is also starting to get impatient and starting to lose hope that they will get off the island. “Use a Littlun…” (Golding 104). Ralph suggests that they should use a littlun to do their dirty work because they do not want to get killed or injured. There is many evil in this story. These past examples, were just scratching the surface. To conclude, the book Lord of the Flies has a common theme of good versus evil. However, evil trumps good. Although, some of the characters were good, they showed how quickly a person can turn evil. In the end when they are rescued the boys seem to lose their evil mindset. The Lord of the Flies shows the evil and good in every

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