Theme Of Identity In Lord Of The Flies

Superior Essays
While Reading the novel, Lord of the Flies, the boys loss of identity once on the island, appears when they lose their sense of character. Each boy one by one, loses their sense of innocence and identity one way or another. By paying attention to the main characters you can see each individual boy regress into savagery.
If you look closely to the theme of this novel it centers on humanity’s evil suppressed nature. Each character in the novel is well suited to the theme, being they are all below the ages or 14-15, almost untouched by an uncivilized world. In the beginning, you can tell a number of the boys enjoy the thought of being without adult contact or supervision. When the boys play there is an indication of the world of children 's
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Jack is a distinct example of the instinct of savagery, desire of power, and violent nature that the boys come to follow. Jack is Ralphs antithesis, or opposite in other words. Immediately, Jack retains the sense of decency and behavior that society has taught him. Susan Gulbin quoted Golding in saying "every man is part savage and that savagery is disguised or concealed only by the wall of civilization built by our ancestors" (Gulbin 87). Jack soon obsesses himself with hunting and devotes himself to the task, painting his face and giving himself over to bloodlust. The more savage Jack becomes, the more he is able to manipulate the rest of the boys. Besides Ralph, Simon, and Piggy, the group follows Jack in giving up moral restraint and gives into violence and savagery. By the end, Jack learns to use the boys’ fear to control their behavior which is a reminder of how certain beliefs and superstition can be manipulated as instruments of power in a civilized …show more content…
He shows natural goodness when it comes to others, for instance helping the younger boys pick fruit, sharing his portion of meat with piggy, and post Jack 's quarrel with Piggy, runs to recover Piggy 's glasses when they get knocked off his face (Golding 71). Simon seems to be one of the only characters who doesn’t have a gradual progression into savagery. Although noticed as strange by the others, this makes him an outcast like Piggy, (Gulbin 88) Simon is mature, insightful, and wise for he understands the "Beast" more than anyone. While being wise might seem as though Simon could be immune to the islands effects, natural problems still take toll on him. Fainting followed by bloody noses and dehydration are all natural effects the island has on him, not to mention the hallucinations he begins to have near the end of the story. He imagines the severed pig 's head talking to him, to which it calls itself Lord of the Flies. Simon soon realizes the beast is not an animal nor monster to be afraid of, he sees that the creature everyone referred to was a dead parachuting man. The realization Simon makes is that the beast is nothing but a fear as Piggy mentions in the beginning of the story. "I know there isn 't no beast—not with claws and all that, I mean—but I know there isn 't no fear either." (Golding 84.) Granting, Simon 's theory is deeper, for he is the

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