Due to America's founding through the Revolutionary War, and the fact America has been a global super power for the past 71 years, Americans believe our country to be the defender of freedom and a strong national defense is essential to our way of life, no matter the cost. To put it in perspective, the United States will spend 585 billion dollars for the military in 2016. In fact, the United States spends more on defense than the next nine largest military budgets in the world, combined. This militarized belief has permeated through to the core of our citizens, enabling several corporations to specialize almost solely in defense products, allowing them to earn tens of billions of dollars annually. Furthermore, even during economic hard times, profits for American defense contractors remain fairly
Due to America's founding through the Revolutionary War, and the fact America has been a global super power for the past 71 years, Americans believe our country to be the defender of freedom and a strong national defense is essential to our way of life, no matter the cost. To put it in perspective, the United States will spend 585 billion dollars for the military in 2016. In fact, the United States spends more on defense than the next nine largest military budgets in the world, combined. This militarized belief has permeated through to the core of our citizens, enabling several corporations to specialize almost solely in defense products, allowing them to earn tens of billions of dollars annually. Furthermore, even during economic hard times, profits for American defense contractors remain fairly