Living On A Dollar Reflection

Improved Essays
Living on a dollar
Poverty is not an accident, like slavery and apartheid it is man made and can be removed by the action of human beings- Nelson Mandela. People all around the world are living on less than a dollar a day. We see in the documentary Living on a dollar how these people make it through life.
Through the movie we learn the uncertainty of these peoples income. How they never know if they will have the money they need. We also learned how much different a small loan can be to them. Such as rosa who turned a couple hundred dollars into a small business supporting her going back to school. We learn that what may be a pay check to us is the beginning of a new life for them by starting a constant stream of money. Money that could help
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I do tend to keep up to date on major issues of the world. I was already aware of the extreme poverty that a lot of people are in and have always wanted to figure a way out to help and still hope sometime I will find a way to make an impact on problems such as this because there are actually quite a few ways to help. There are many organizations dedicated to helping the poor. They ask for small simple money donation. Even so much as donating a small amount of money. If 300 people decided to donate a dollar a day that charity would have 300 dollars every day. Even if i didn 't have money to give i do have time and with time i could do a fundraiser for a charity devoted to helping the poor. In the future i could also start my own charity to help provide stuff such as clean water and food for the …show more content…
This tier represents our basic needs such as food, water, and human interaction. We can see from the movie that this is the first thing people in extreme poverty work toward. All the guys really worried about was if they would have enough money to buy food and how many calories they could eat a day. The next tier is safety this represents wanting the security of employment, health, resources, family and property. The next thing the boys did in the movie was to secure a steady income of money by having an onion field. This provided security in employment, their property and being able to keep their health up to par. Next we move to love and belonging this includes friendship and family. We see this in the boys friend Anthony who already has fulfilled the first two tiers because of this Anthony has moved to the third tier. He has been able to marry his wife and to have children along with friends. Next we move onto tier four esteem, this includes confidence, achievement, and respect of others. We also see this with Anthony and how he helps out others around him. Such as when he helps the guy wife who was very ill and could not afford to take her to the hospital by loaning them money. This shows the fourth tier through respect of others. The last tier is self-actualization including morality, creativity, and problem solving. This tier is not represented in the

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