After reading the article “Detroit and Industrialization” I learned how much business and home loss can destroy a community. While the city is much bigger than the small town of Franklinton, the residents were still affected greatly. Just like the people in Detroit, Franklinton’s residents were faced with the decision to either move away or stay and hope that help came soon. A lot of people did move out of this area because they had the ability to make the change to a different location. Yet, to the people that stayed, they faced a tough road ahead, just as the people of Detroit had hoped for outside help so did the people of Franklinton. The only difference in these two cases is that franklinton was able to get aid and has started to begin to grow again. Things have been done to begin reshaping the town of franklinton over the years. There have been multiple projects, as well as millions of dollars spent to revitalize the community. Maybe the most influential has been the mayor of columbus issuing in 2011 that the redevelopment of Franklinton would be the city's top priority. This issue along with dozens of volunteer groups has been the reason Franklinton is being restored, and could possibly bounce back …show more content…
Poverty is not always man made or caused by the people. Life happens and for some there is nothing they can do to get out of the way. Poverty isn’t something that can be changed just by ignoring it, it takes time and effort from a lot of different sources in order for a community to overcome its problems. The key to eliminating poverty is first to acknowledge that it can happen to anyone at anytime. Second, it takes a group effort and a will to change in order to fight poverty, we cannot give in to this fight because it is one that millions of americans face. We must face it head on and do everything we can as a whole to combat