Rhetorical Analysis: The Pecking Order

Superior Essays
In society, status and class are two of the most significant social forces that contribute to one’s own image. Not being born in the right social ranking can make life further difficult .This can inhibit the social mobility of an individual if they decide to move up a rung in the ladder of society. This social inequality plays a role in society that few people are able to manage .The social constructs of inequality are far reaching, and it even claws its way into the family. According to Dalton Conley, author of The Pecking Order, “The truth is that inequality starts at home” (pg. 586). The reason for large sibling disparities as Conley argues in this article; is because, inequality shadows around the family. In the family there seems to be a hierarchy of success that puts the most successful sibling at the top and the black sheep of the family at the bottom. Conley puts the spotlight on sibling inequality; he uses pathos effectively when he …show more content…
He does not use other rhetorical strategies to convey his point. Conley’s use of pathos to explain sibling differences appeals to the reader’s sensibilities. Considering this, He uses this story effectively so that the reader may draw connections between the Clinton brothers and the reader’s own life. Conley also draws the reader’s emotional appeal and makes the reader have empathy and pity for Roger Clinton. By only using pathos during this time it gives the reader an excellent example of sibling differences. In the article written by Jensen and McHale they state that “ Accumulating evidence reveals that sibling’s differ in domains ranging from substance use, to antisocial behavior depression and general self-worth and to academic interests and achievements ”( Jenson and McHale). Conley in his short story of the Clinton brothers was able to cover most of those factors that make sibling’s differ from each

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