Associate Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas once said, “Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.” The book, Spinach in Your Boss’s Teeth by Arden Clise discusses different approaches, techniques, and tricks to maintaining etiquette in professional settings. The book covers topics such as how to properly shake someone’s hand to how to avoid sitting in “power spots” during a meeting. While reading the book, I learned a lot of concepts that before, I had considered insignificant, but of actually having a much greater importance in business. The two chapters that really affected me was the Who Called this Meeting:…
Son: I am my parent’s only child. I am their son and I was named after my father. I chose this as the first noun that describes me because I love my parents and I am everything I am today because of them. Student: I am currently a student at Perimeter college and am trying hard to get my associates degree.…
Unit 2 Goal 3 Essay Prompt: What are the characteristics of the immigrant experience during the industrial revolution? Thesis: The dream for immigrants was to enter through the Golden Doors and live a good live in the United States. Many immigrants either cane to the United States by promise of a better life, or had to escape poor conditions, like a famine, religion issues, land shortages, or political issues. Many of the immigrants left their home land to escape from the religious persecution.…
10 years ago, I was immigrated to the United States. My first impression of the United states was a fun and energies country because of the New York style movie always appear in my brain. Yet, the city I was staying is in California - San Jose. The surrounding people mostly are Mexican, Chinese, and Indian, that not the New York style Imaged. After few years college life, I found out my passion because of the place of California has changed my environmental protection sense.…
In ways, immigrants experience situations that many individuals can identify with. As an example, they experience the desire to “fit in” and often assimilate because of this. Although their troubles may be far more intense, we are still able to improve our situations by examining how they coped with their struggled. For instance, most immigrants struggle to learn the language when they arrive in Canada.…
Since an early age, I have always wanted to be involved with health sciences, and I have work as hard as I can to accomplish this dream. I was born into a Hispanic family, and raised in way that puts values ahead of money or economic status. I did not enjoy the luxuries that many of my friends had, but I was taught very strong principles. My father always taught me to work hard no matter what, weather it was for a job, school or a hobby. He always told me that I will encounter many rocks in my path, but that it would be up to me to stay behind that rock and let the rock defeat me, or I could just find a way to continue on my path until the next rock.…
What comes to mind when you hear the word “Immigrant”? Do you think of people who are living in the shadows? People who are working for less than minimum wage on the fields in scorching heat just to provide for their families? Maybe you think of people who are “stealing” jobs, who don’t belong in the United States. Whatever your opinion may be, one undeniable fact is that immigrants are here in the United States.…
Many people think that America is the land of opportunity, but this was not always the case. Immigrants were treated badly when they came to America. For some immigrants coming to America, they had a lot of opportunity but not for all of them. Many immigration laws and policies have been less enforced throughout the years. Many of the millions of immigrants that came to America hoping for a better life were disappointed.…
I am a foreigner, but I feel at home here. I was born in the Philippines, a very different country from the U.S. Having spent most of my life in this small, poverty-stricken country, my perspective on life and culture is different. On September 2nd, 2009, my family and I immigrated to America, leaving everything behind to chase the American Dream.…
It was a tedious night in the office with a profusion of paperwork, and waiting around for for felonious acts to be committed. So as, just to alleviate the monotony in the small room. I remember the how the ring of the incoming call suffused its way throughout the room until all eyes found the source of it. I couldn’t wait to see what vermin we got to clean off of the streets today, for our moral citizens’ sake. I hoped it wouldn’t be a false plea or a call from an official.…
Identity and background have always been difficult concepts for me to accept. Normally, children understand themselves and allow themselves to freely develop until they’re adults, but for more than one reason that process never felt natural to me. My mother grew up in an impoverished neighborhood in Bogotá, Colombia. Regardless, she knew an education could help her achieve her dreams, so she graduated from the prestigious Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She boarded a plane to America without any family or connections and with minimal understanding of English.…
The Journey Of An Immigrant We all have a common goal in life to better ourselves and progress not to stay stuck in the same place for the rest of your life to have a future. In Mexico is hard to progress when you come from a small house with 6 siblings and a poor upbringing with an alcoholic and abusive mom while dad does everything to feed 8 kids - this why I took to journey to America. He was the youngest out the six his older brother in America doing great his house and a car with money that is all he taught during his childhood. So right After high school with the money he had been saving he bought a coyote august 10 he had to say goodbye to the little ranch that shaped who he has and to his family and friends leaving everything behind…
Calling an individual who is older than you by their first name is highly…
I was four years old when my family immigrated to the U.S. We lived in a predominantly white city. My first introduction to the American education system was a few months later when I entered kindergarten. As a recent immigrant, I had no knowledge of the English language. My memories remain of the difficulty this created for me and my inability to connect with my classmates resulted in isolation very early on.…
I think that this is an excellent way to display honor and respect based on gender. I personally have many slip-ups when saying “ma’am” and “sir”, which is reasonably okay and understandable where I come from. Although if I were born Hebrew, I would begin learning this language at birth and I would continuously grow in it throughout my life; therefore, slip-ups would not acceptable. By the time I would be around ten years old I believe that I would solely use feminine and masculine nouns. It would be instilled in my mind as a child to use gender based terms.…