Liberal Media Bias

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Liberal Media is Hurting Society Through Splitting the American People and Media Bias
News media has been providing information to the public for centuries but has started to become obscured in the production of non-biased sourcing and information. For approximately three hundred years, media has been providing local and international to people around the world. However, the first act of political bias (when a US media systematically skews reporting in a way that crosses standards of professional journalism) was conducted in 1861 when President Abraham Lincoln accused newspapers in the border states of bias in favor of the Confederate cause and then ordered many of them to close. In the 19th century, many American newspapers made
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Race and ethnicity has been used as fuel to push their agenda along with gun related violence.
Liberal media has portrayed America to be divided when it comes to African-Americans and the white population. Republican news sources have always pushed for equal rights along with the republican parties themselves. However, when it comes to equality in the news liberal media would have you believe that the white population is featured more common in programs, yet “others argue that minorities have been favored” over those who make up the majority (white males) in recent years by many of the programs attempting to encourage diversity in the newsroom (Sloan 98). We have seen more and more of minorities being featured in today’s media. Not that this alone would split the American people themselves, but liberal media has started “cheerleading” for the African-American population praising Black Lives Matter and other acts that have revolved vast amounts of violence and destruction (Sloan 98). The act Black Lives Matter was another civil rights movement that advocated for black lives that had been loss to policing, yet the movement did nothing but worsen the relationship between African-Americans and officers of the law. If six out of the seven news sources
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Social media and news sources such as CNN or ABC have, over more recent years, become “highly correlated, perhaps an unsurprising [amount]” (Guggenhiem 208). With the recent scandal revolving Facebook, framing political views is evidently present. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, recently gave his testimony before Congress over the company’s privacy policies. Zuckerberg was accused of his company suppressing conservative news across Facebook and the data privacy breach that occurred. Zuckerberg accused of censoring free speech, is in serious trouble and is one of most disliked persons at the moment. Along with Zuckerberg framing Facebook, public debates over politically relevant issues and events are often marked by contests about how an issue should be understood and interpreted. As a result, issue frame competition is abundantly evident, often celebrated with comedic flourish in nightly disputes between Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Fox News talk shows such as “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Kimmil” frame issues supporting liberal media and attack conservatives (Guggenheim

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