Tolkien’s first major influence came during the Cold War around the 1960’s. There was a generation of hippies that loved his books for the profound environmentalism within them. Tolkien was a huge environmentalist and saw a danger in industry, and this view was and is still relevant in today’s ideals. During the cold war and the early 2000’s there was a large awe of hate between the east and the west. The world was soaked in a Good vs. Evil, which is a theme prevalent in the Lord …show more content…
In his books were virtues like, courage, heroism, loyalty, faith, morality, greed, and home. These ideals are a large impact on the humans that read his works, and while Tolkien may have wanted to be known with literary respect amongst the critics, he is much more known for the virtues he shows us within his works of fiction. Tolkien inspired a new generation of fantasy writers. Ones who made their own world rather than just making a story.
Lewis’s legacy is mainly kept by Christian writers and speakers. They use Mere Christianity and the Screwtape Letters, to facilitate the understanding of Christian ideals. Lewis’s legacy is in some ways tarnished, as many people put him as who they want him to be and forget who the man actually was. Lewis was an apologetic Christian, and many try to fit that. One thing Lewis did do was consolidate the Christian beliefs and provided a clear articulation of the beliefs. Lewis is known largely for his spiritual work because he created a strong defense for them
Lewis is well known for The Chronicles of Narnia, but most readers are introduced to these books as kids and fail to truly see the meaning and allegory behind it. Narnia is less successful than Tolkien’s fantasy, but it inspired many writings, such as Harry