One of the things that made "Leave It to Beaver" such a good comedy of its time is the witty and well written dialogue. We see evidence of this in in the episode titled "Beaver's Newspaper." In this episode, Larry and Beaver have a conversation with some witticisms on marriage. Beaver says "Gee whiz, how do people have fun when they're married and have a family?" Larry Mondello responds "They go out to dinner." To which Beaver replies "Yeah, I guess when you're that old you don't mind old, you don't mind getting' dressed up." The writers also reserved some wit for Ward and June Cleaver. In another episode Beaver receives a new bike and asks his father, Ward, if he can ride it to …show more content…
Such as June Carter being a stay at home mother and handling all the cooking and cleaning. While she had no complaints like other women may have, it was a reality for many housewives. Ward Cleaver was the typical man and ideal father, very understanding and patient with his sons. He had a white-collar office job, as was typical of upper middle-class men. This made them a very typical family and many were able to relate not only to the characters but their family dynamic as well.
"Leave It to Beaver" had all the best components of a good TV comedy: well written and funny dialogue, comical situations, and the ability to relate to their audience. It solidified itself as one of America's most beloved TV shows. Today it enjoys reruns and despite its outdated ideas and gender specific roles it continues to be a favorite among