The short story Under the Radar by Richard Ford is about a married couple, Steven Reeves and Marjorie Reeves, which are on their way to a dinner party. On this trip Marjorie reveals to Steven that she had an affair about a year ago with George Nicholson. The very man who is hosting the dinner party. Upon hearing this news Steven pulled the car over in an attempt to talk this matter out but was speechless for much of the time. After a certain amount of time had passed they both witness the murder of a raccoon as it gets run over by a pick-up truck. When Marjorie comments on what happened with the …show more content…
He stated how the spur of the moment could lead anyone to make a harsh and quick decision. So I went back and reread the story to fully understand his opposing view. Upon reading I realized that Steven didn’t hit Marjorie during the spur of the moment. “For the two or possibly five minutes now that they had sat on the side of Quaker Bridge Road…” (Ford 455). Also they witnessed the raccoon get hit and the hicks drive by so it would safe to assume that they sat there for close to 10 minutes before Steven actually hit her. Waiting 10 minutes to react is not a spur of the moment it was almost like a premeditated