What is leadership? …show more content…
Anderson and Ackerman-Anderson (2010) state that this can be because, leaders may be more focused on being humanistic, that they lose structure of how to achieve goals. Although, leadership can be in a form of a manager’s position, this is not necessary always the case. People may have different values and utilize different leadership skills, necessary to fit their role or organization. From a social workers position, the leadership style that they may use, may be influenced by the AASW values, such as social justice (AASW, 2010). The emphasis that the AASW places on human rights and empowerment, may mean that social workers may feel disconnected, or tension between more formal ideas of management and or control (AASW, …show more content…
The theories are fundamentally based on values, collective good and fostering individual and organizational improvement, through relationships (Kim & Chang, 2015). Transactional leadership is based on the idea of stability, formal authority and results (Bass & Stogdill, 2015). Unlike transformational leadership, that focuses on effectiveness, motivation and values (Bruce & Francis, 2013). Canda and Furman (2010) state, that transformational leadership is generally more favored and useful in complex environments, like social work. It focuses on building relationships and developing a highly motivating work environment, which is needed in order for morale and avoiding burnout (Canda & Furman, 2010) On the other hand, Aaron (2006) argues that both the styles are desirable for complete