“I don’t understand why our son needs to dress like this,” exclaimed Mrs. Exeter as she held up a navy blue button up shirt.
“I told you already he needs to follow in my footsteps, the key to success is about how you dress!” replied Lawrence, a very successful businessman.
Lawrence grabbed the shirt out of his wife's hands and walked up towards the checkout line as his wife continued to look around the shoppe. As he approached the counter he heard a shriek while someone yelled out “Get help!” Lawrence was shocked to turn around to find that his wife had fainted, he knew her due date was a couple of weeks ago but he didn’t think it could be so serious. As an ambulance pulled around the corner Lawrence scribbled a check and ran out to assist his wife. There was no longer just one Lawrence Exeter in Hollywood, baby Lawrence Exeter Jr. was born on September 2, 1903, this little brown haired boy was in for a treat.
For eighteen years Lawrence Exeter Jr. was the most spoiled boy in all of Hollywood. He …show more content…
“Then I will get divorced” Lawrence Sr. replied
As they continued to argue Lawrence Jr. wrote a letter to his father asking for money because he wanted to propose to a girl, his father didn’t know that the girl his son wanted to marry was Daisy so he willing wrote a check to his son. Lawrence Jr. and Daisy wrote to each other everyday about them getting married and how wonderful it would be. Lawrence Jr. went out and bought her a dress and everything they would need for the wedding. He then went to the Bootery to find himself a nice pair of shoes for the wedding. He then approached the checkout.
“Your total comes to $145.25,” said the Cashier.
Lawrence Jr. began writing the check when a stranger walked into the store demanding for Lawrence