Lagothrix Research Paper

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The Lagothrix is within the Neotropical primate family, Atelidae. Atelids are the largest Neotropical primates yet only two studies have tried to resolve the relationships among taxa within the genus Lagothrix (Ruiz-Garcia Pinedo-Castro, 2010). Within the genus are 2 allopatric species, one widespread in the western Amazon (L. lagotricha) and the other confined to montane forests on the eastern slope of the Central Cordillera of the Andes in northern Peru, bordering the Amazonian forest (L. flavicauda). Within L. lagotricha, are 4 allopatric subspecies: L. l. lugens, L. l. poeppigii, L. l. lagotricha and L. l. cana (Ibid, 2010).
The current conservation status varies by subspecies but are all vulnerable and critically endangered
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Lagothrix are ripe-fruit specialists, feeding primarily fleshly fruit pulp, supplemented with young leaves, insects, and other foods (Ahumada, 1989; Cant, 1977, 1990; Castellanos and Chanin 1996; Chapman, 1987, 1988; Defler and Defler, 1996). Only 10% of the woolly monkey diets consists of leaves, buds, shorts and other vegetative plant parts. The larger the fruit seed the less likely woolly monkeys were to swallow them (Dew, 2004). This leads to 17% of their time spent foraging (Dew, 2004). Woolly monkeys allocate less time to insect foraging and focus more on fruit consumption. Therefore, the insect portion of their diet is likely to be less diverse (Pickett, Bergey, and Di Fiore, 2012). Woolly Monkeys spend much of their time inspecting and manipulating leaves (both living and dead), twigs, moss, epiphytes, vine tangles, and bark. Moreover, most of the foraging behavior occurs in substrates where fruit is unlikely to be found (Dew, 2004). Environmental factors such as soil fertility and plant community differences influence ranging …show more content…
On occasion, the male repeated the display back at the female and the same facial expression was also occasionally preformed by both sexes during mounts (Ibid, 2004). Despite an irresistible grin, solicitations did not always result in copulation; males sometimes ignored the solicitation completely or inspected the genital area of the female and then lost interest (Ibid, 2004). Female choice among woolly monkeys positions the male to be the discriminating sex in their mating system. Another behavior associated with copulation is the so-called "tooth-chatter" or "click" where both female and male woolly monkeys retract their lips and open and close their mouth (Nishimura 1988; 2003). Females also use this type of behavior to show receptivity and to solicit copulation (Nishimura

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