Due to their small …show more content…
Overshoot and collapse is generally considered to be a natural phenomenon. Their tropical forest habitat is being destroyed by humans for food, housing, fuel, road, and agriculture. One of the main reasons cotton-top tamarins are critically endangered is due to the fact that 75% of their natural habitat has been lost to deforestation. Another reason for the decline of this primate species is the fact that the Tamarin is being captured and illegally sold. Even though international laws and sanctions have been initiated to condemn this activity, the illegal trade continues to happen. It is the activity of humans that is changing the capacity of this species of primates. Another serious threat caused by human interference is damming or water sources for hydro electrical power. This process is an inexpensive renewable source of energy for Colombia, but comes at a great expense to the tamarin community. Damming this area not only destroys fragile ecosystems but will also flood the forest and destroy about 208 miles of forests within the Paramillo National Park; an area that is one of the last protected areas where tamarins naturally