They are specifically found in cities of South America, like Brazil, Peru, French Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, and Bolivia. This canopy species lives in undisturbed rainforests. This primate species which mostly spends it's time in the upper or middle sections of the rainforests, lives in areas isolated from human population, and human development. This species of Spider Monkeys has a specialized body structure to help it survive in it’s environment. This adaptive species has long lanky arms, and a prehensile tail that helps it move gracefully through it's locomotion. This canopy species has adapted to it's tail a lot, to survive in it's area. The underside of its’ prehensile tail is hairless, and has wrinkles which aid in gripping. This primate species as a very specialized adaption of not having a thumb. Their ancestor had an opposable thumb which's size shrunk in size compared to other bones, and now they apparently don't have a thumb, which is very helpful in moving through their locomotion. The Black Spider Monkey has adapted to it's environment in a very special way and that is what make it unique from …show more content…
One sad, and very big reason this species is endangered is because of bushmeat. As this primate species is large, and has an electric diet people hunt it for it's meat. Over millions of South Americans eat it per year. Another reason this New World Primate is endangered is because of deforestation. As the human population grows, the human needs grow, so people in South America cut the Amazon forest, their habitat, to use it for their needs, like agriculture, farmland, urbanization, and mining sites. As this canopy species has interbirth intervals, and long time gestation period this becomes another threat for them. People believe that this species is better to be their pets, rather than being free. People capture an infant monkey by killing it's mother, and then it is sold at a low rate in the Black Market, as a pet. This New World Primate was created to be free, not to be our pets or food, and neither were their habitats created to serve us as a agriculture or farm land, mining sites, or as our