“See if you can guess what I am now … I’m a zit. Get it?” - Bluto Background: The purpose of the antiseptic lab was to show the effectiveness of multiple antiseptics: hydrogen Peroxide, Purell hand sanitizer, Water and Iodine.…
My hypothesis was that pill bugs would be more attracted to a warmer environment in comparison to a colder one. However, the results of my experiment refute my claim. Initially I thought that the pill bugs would be naturally drawn to the warmer temperatures due to the fact that pill bugs are cold-blooded and need heat to survive but, for this experiment that was not the case. On average, there were 7 isopods in the cold chamber and 2 in the warm one. At the most there were 8 isopods in the cold chamber, whereas in the warm chamber, there was at the most 4.…
(UMN 2000); the NaHCO3 is an antacid, so also helps neutralise stomach acidity, relieving acid indigestion and heartburn.…
Goals The goal of the lab was to investigate the properties and structure of an unidentified compound that was discovered in a local landfill. The group was called in to help determine the chemical and physical properties of the compound so we can let the people of the town know so it can be taken care of properly with or without further precautions to be taken. Another goal of this project was to devise the synthesis of the unknown compound. Experimental Design In order to determine the correct identity of our unknown compound, we first started with a couple preliminary tests, which include physical state and smell.…
Purpose Ibuprofen is one of the most common over-the-counter medications. It reduces pain and inflammation by limiting certain hormones. The drug is taken orally, usually in the form of a pill, and is absorbed into the bloodstream once it dissolves. Both human saliva and human stomach acid aid in dissolving the pill.…
The goal of the lab was to identify an unlabeled compound found in the chemistry stockroom to be able to dispose of it properly. This lab demonstrated the process of identifying an unknown compound as well as synthesizing the compound. Identifying the compound consisted of performing various tests to detect the chemical and physical properties of the compound and comparing it to the list of possible compounds. The tests conducted were the solubility test which the compound fully dissolved in water, the flame test which had no discoloration when held in the flame, cation and anion tests which showed the existence of some halides like Cl, Br, and I, pH test in which the compound had a pH of 6, and the conductivity test which had an average value…
Biochemical Unknown I. Introduction Cultural Characteristics or morphology and biochemical tests can be used to identify and classify microorganism. By culturing microorganism in nutrient broth, slants, and on nutrient agar plates, the cultural characteristics or morphology can be determined. In this lab, the test tube 2 was incubated in a nutrient broth. The pigmentation of the tube was yellow. The media for test tube 2 was turbid.…
The main ingredient that acts as an antacid and helps neutralize stomach acid is sodium bicarbonate. In order to determine which antacid was most effective, four beakers were filled with 60 mL of HCl. Then, for the first trial, 1000 mg of each antacid was put into the HCl. Right after that, the pH of each solution was found.…
President Ronald Reagan was leaving the hotel in Washington D.C. and John Hinckley was crouched in the bushes waiting for the perfect time for the president to come his way. From the bushes, Hinckley yelled ‘President Reagan, President Reagan’. The president turned in the general direction where the sound was coming from and suddenly six shots were fired. The first shot hit James Brady, the second bullet hit the policeman Thomas Delahanty, the third bullet missed the president and ricocheted off the building, the fourth bullet hit the secret service agent Timothy Mccarthy in his chest, the fifth bullet hit the bulletproof glass on the president’s limousine, the sixth and final bullet nearly killed the president. The bullet ricocheted off the car then hit the president in his chest inches away from his heart.…
Dinitrophenol (DNP) is a compound most commonly found pesticides and food dye. When used as supplementation for weight loss, Dinitrophenol acts as an ionophore which allows protons to leak across the inner mitochondrial membrane thereby interfering with the electrochemical gradient in the mitochondrial which is needed for ATP synthesis. This disturbance in proton motive force used to drive ATP synthesis will result in the loss of potential energy as heat as the energy can no longer be used to form ATP efficiently. As a result, this loss of heat can be a factor behind why individuals taking DNP will excessively sweat. On the other hand, the need for ATP to function will force the body to compensate in the loss of ATP production by using fat…
In this experiment Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was performed under reducing conditions to estimate the molecular weight of proteins within a sample. The protein sample was from the previous using anionic exchange chromatography to partially purify N-acetyl--D-hexosaminidase, Lab 3. The molecular weight was determined through the interpolation of a standard curve of proteins with a known molecular weight. The molecular weight of band 1 was determined to be 67,640 daltons and band 2 was 44,420 daltons, disproving the hypothesis that the molecular weight of the unknown protein sample was 28,000 daltons. The estimated molecular weight within this experiment for band 1 was close with literature values, which reported that under reducing condition the subunit molecular weights were approximately 63,000 and 56,000 daltons.…
In the first step of the experiment, m-toluic acid reacted with thionyl chloride to form the acid chloride derivative of m-toluic acid. In this reaction, the carboxylic acid is first converted into an acyl chlorosulfite intermediate, replacing the –OH of the acid with a better leaving group. The acyl chlorosulfite then reacts with a nucleophilic chloride ion, at which point the chlorosulfite leaves in the form of sulfur dioxide and chloride ion. The remaining acid chloride then reacts with diethylamine. Diethylamine is used in excess to neutralize the hydrogen chloride produced in the reaction.…
Antacids are weak bases that relieve heartburn by neutralizing small amounts of HCl in the stomach. When antacids are consumed bases such as OH- or CO32- are released and decrease the H+ concentration of a solution (the acid in the stomach) (Ferguson 2016). A neutralization reaction occurs when the base and HCl react producing a salt and water (Ferguson 2016). The purpose of this experiment is to test if the price of an antacid is correlated to it’s effectiveness.…
: The chemical formula of a compound will be determined using the mass of each individual element that is present in a weighed sample of that compound. The chemical formula shows the proportions of elements in a specific compound. This proportion is uniform to all samples of the same compound. Using the mass of each element, the moles of the element in the compound can be found and then compared to that of the other elements. This will create our atom ratio which will lead to our mole ratio.…
Paracetamol is one of the world’s most beneficial and resourceful analgesic and is widely used in present day. An analgesic, can be defined, as a chemical compound that relieves pain, reduces fever and inflammation. It works by hindering the enzyme cyclooxygenase which acts a catalyst to convert fatty acids to prostaglandins. Prostaglandins cause pain and inflammation to peripheral and central points in the nervous system2. Paracetamol, or Acetaminophen is created by the synthesis and preparation of an amide.…