Kurt Lewin's Change Theory

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Kamboj et al. (2015) declare that the use of central venous catheters (CVCs) has transformed nursing care delivery. Consequently, central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) continue to be one of the most costly and deadly hospital-associated infections (HAIs) in the United States related to the use of CVCs (IHI, 2016). Despite efforts to minimize the occurrence of CLABSIs, these infections continue to grow in vast numbers, bolstering an alarming 300,000 cases every year (Kamboj, et al., 2015). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016) considers these infections preventable and declares that appropriate processes must be implemented to reduce the prevalence of CLABSIs. This paper will endeavor to discuss the following: …show more content…
Specifically, this model/theory outlines three distinct phases of change to include unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. This process helps to identify factors that can impede and promote change. In Lewin’s ‘unfreezing’ stage, difficulties related to a practice concern are identified, and strategies are implemented to minimize the opposing forces. Moreover, the unfreezing phase rallies key players that will be affected by the change to communicate their ideas to facilitate effective change. This step renders the importance of staff engagement and empowerment in promoting change. The second phase Lewin’s Change Theory is the ‘moving’ stage. Practice change occurs during this phase- a result of an equilibrium between the opposing forces. During this phase, open lines of communication with the nursing staff are essential. Finally, once the desired change has been implemented, the ‘refreezing’ stage evaluates the overall stability and effectiveness of the change within the practice setting. As health care organizations begin to understand behaviors that facilitate and hinder change, systematic change can effectively occur (Bozak, 2003). Furthermore, if change agents/ organizations strive to meet their staff 's fundamental needs, this, in turn, is likely to improve practice ownership, staff engagement, engagement, and cooperation/ …show more content…
Assigning an RPN helps the team to prioritize areas of focus (such as insertion or maintenance practices) and assess opportunities for improvement (IHI, 2004).
Step Six: Evaluate the results by adding up the individual RPNs for each failure mode.
Step Seven: Use RPNs to plan improvement efforts to reduce ad prevent CLABSIs. Failure modes with higher RPNs (scores closer to 1,000) warrant the most focus improvement efforts. Failure modes with lower RPNs (scores closer to 1) should, therefore, take the least priority (IHI, 2004).
Plan-Do-Study-Act Model
The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Model is a favored quality improvement tool widely used by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), aimed at making positive healthcare process changes and rapid cycle improvement (Hughes, 2008). Impacting and accessing change in a cyclical manner is a unique feature of this model. Cyclical change is most effectively accomplished through many, small PDSAs before changes are made system-wide (Berwick, 1998). The PDSA cycle involves determining the nature of the problem, identifying a plan for change, deciding key players involved, determining specific measurement components and targeted areas for a change. Next, change is implemented, and data collection begins. Results are assessed and interpreted

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