King Oedipus Selfish Quotes

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Even though he seems caring at some parts, his dominant characteristic is being self-centered and arrogant because he cares more about himself, but also wants to help the people of Thebes who are cursed by the plague. In the play, a messenger informs Oedipus that Polybus is dead and his reaction to this isn’t normal. Jocasta said, “Yet this news of your father is wonderful”(Sophocles 51). This quote shows that Oedipus doesn’t care much about his “father’s” death. It was great news to Oedipus because Oedipus didn’t kill his “father”, so Oedipus believes and tells people that there was no way he could have killed Laius. These actions show that Oedipus is very selfish and only cares about himself. Also, Oedipus said, “You dare say that! Can you possibly think you have Some way of going free,after such insolence?”(Sophocles 19). …show more content…
He has so much control that he can anything to Teiresias. Oedipus shows that he is offended and shocked that someone would accuse him of killing Laius since he is the king. He gets very defensive and offends Teiresias back. Oedipus also demonstrates another characteristic. Oedipus, in the beginning, was not all bad because he wanted to help his people and cares about them. Oedipus said, “I would not speak through messengers, and therefore I have come myself to hear you-I, Oedipus, who bear the famous name”(Sophocles 4). This quote shows that Oedipus does care about his people. He would rather spend his time instead of sending his messenger to talk to his people. It shows he has integrity and wants to lift the curse of the plague off his people by solving the mystery of the death of Laius. Oedipus could be doing other things, but he wants to see and hear his

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