“Oedipus the King” by Sophocles is a testament to his genius and greatness in this complex play. It is not easy to determine if Oedipus deserves his fate even though it was unavoidable. However, considering everything that had befallen Oedipus he remained a good person down to the very end, and I believe that he did not deserve his fate. Oedipus suffered much; the majority was out of his control. The Herdsman could have intervened several times to keep Oedipus from his own fate. His own parents thought he was dead so no longer worried about being killed by their son. Oedipus knew about the prophecy and tried to avoid it by leaving his home and making a life in Thebes, unknowingly setting the prophecy in motion. Oedipus demonstrates his good-heartedness throughout the play by putting others before himself regardless of what has happened to him.
Oedipus does not deserve his fate. His parents had originally given him as a baby to the Herdsman to be killed, to keep the prophecy from becoming fulfilled. The Herdsman said, “I was to kill …show more content…
He did not want to kill his father and sleep with his mother. His good-hearted nature was displayed when he defeated the Sphinx, ending her reign of terror over the people. Oedipus freed them and they made him their king. When Oedipus learned that the city of Thebes was cursed he sent Creon to find out what it was that he had to do in order to remove the curse and save the people once again. Oedipus said, “…but my soul mourns for me and for you, and for the city” (63-64). Oedipus sincerely cared about his people. When Oedipus found out that the murderer of King Laius had to be punished he was merciful in saying, “his fate will not be cruel he will depart unstumbling into exile” (233-34). Once again displaying his good heart