Oedipus Pride Quotes

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In the Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus is the king of Thebes and he is well known as a person who solves the most famous riddle from sphinx that answers are a human. In the play, Oedipus is a compelling character that is usually considered to be a good and have stronger ego and power than others. The play begins with the plague in the city of Thebes. Oedipus starts to solve the problem to get a prophecy from Apollo at city of Delphi. From the prophecy, he hears that he needs to find the murderer of a king before Oedipus which is Laius. Then, he figures out who is the murderer and finds the truth about the prophecy that he is going to kill his father and marry with his mother. He and other people figure out the prophecy of Oedipus is …show more content…
Throughout the play, Oedipus uses a lot of “I” world to show his ego and his action of trying to avoid his destiny shows his pride… One of the quotes that show his ego is “Here I am myself- you all know me; the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus.” (Line 7-10) He thinks everyone in the world knows him because he is being famous by solving the riddle of sphinx. Also, solving the riddle of sphinx was triggered him to have too much ego. He says “I am the land’s avenger by all rights, and Apollo’s champion too.” (Line 154-155) which refers the sphinx again and it is his pride. Moreover, sometime, too much ego makes a character evil and not interesting but Oedipus does not. Oedipus has his ego, goodness, and desire at same time which makes him compelling. He “sent Creon” to “Delphi-Apollo the Prophet’s oracle-to learn what I might do or say to save our city” (Line 82-84). His action of handling the problem shows he is not so fool and bad because if he is actually evil, he may leave the city without doing anything but he tries his best for his citizens to stop the plague. However, when the chorus calls the gods to get help to stop the plague, he stops the chorus to rescue Thebes and he tries to rescue his city by himself because of his ego. At same time, He says “Whoever killed the king may decide to kill me too, with the same violent hand-by avenging Laius. I defend myself” (line 158-159) because he does not want the power to leave him. Therefore, Oedipus has many characteristics together that people can be interested to a

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