mostly in the beginning before she veered off, though. “This propaganda that happiness is in large part based on having the ‘perfect’ body shape is a message that the media constantly sends to the public.” Haines speaks nothing short of truth with this statement, and this propaganda, for the rights and good of everyone, needs to be destroyed. Katherine Haines essay was a wonderful read, from the beginning with her facts, to the end with her passionate opinion. It is honorable to see someone speak out, and speak their mind on something that is quickly, and always has been engulfing people’s
mostly in the beginning before she veered off, though. “This propaganda that happiness is in large part based on having the ‘perfect’ body shape is a message that the media constantly sends to the public.” Haines speaks nothing short of truth with this statement, and this propaganda, for the rights and good of everyone, needs to be destroyed. Katherine Haines essay was a wonderful read, from the beginning with her facts, to the end with her passionate opinion. It is honorable to see someone speak out, and speak their mind on something that is quickly, and always has been engulfing people’s