John Baptist De Lasalle Research Paper

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The death of John Baptist De LaSalle's parents was a major key in the begging of his life. As stated in the book, when LaSalle was 20 years old, his mother died at the age of 36, and his father died the year after at the age of 47. This was one of the darkest periods in his life; it changed his life. A year before his mother died, LaSalle was studying for the priesthood in Paris. Due to the death of his parents, he was forced to return home to take care of his brothers and sisters. This was all made official because his father named him the legal guardian of the family. These events changed him and made him more serious than he should have been at the age. As time went on, eventually LaSalle only had direct responsibility of 3 younger brothers. As displayed in the book, the period of 1672 (parent’s …show more content…
LaSalle first met Nyel when he began to become interested in the education of the young and started to meet people engaged in the work. While he was visiting the Sisters one day, he met Adrien Nyel, who was a messenger sent to the women by a rich lady in Rouen. While LaSalle was chatting with Nyel, he invited Nyel to stay in his home until he could get settled. LaSalle explains that Nyel is known as a “fly-by-night”, someone who never completes anything, just moves on to another task before they complete the first one. The main reason why I think Nyel was such an important person in LaSalle’s life because LaSalle says that he was the principal person through whom God helped me see what I had to do with my life. God made us of Adrien Nyel to get LaSalle involved with the work. These words have a huge impact on me because as I read this, I knew this was the “turning point” when LaSalle would soon change his life forever. If it wasn’t for Adrien Nyel, John Baptist De LaSalle may of not gone on to do what he did. All and all, Adrien Nyel had a huge part in LaSalle life and guided him to

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