• The Jeffersonian re-founding was an effort to protect citizens liberty from an overreaching federal bureaucracy. It also led to the merges of political parties. The Jacksonian re-founding led to a big democracy for white males and the full making of a two-party system. Jackson also moved up the powers of the presidency and the federal bureaucracy. The re-founding of the Civil War had deaths mounted. It was no longer just about saving the union, but it was about extending “the self evident truths” of the Declaration to all men. Lastly we have the re-founding of the New Deal. A strong federal government did not exist just to save the people during times of war or natural disasters; it was there to be a help on behalf of the American people as apposed to being a weight. It sounds like all of these just re-founding’s just wanted the best for the American people, and would stop at nothing to get it. Although Jeffersonian was different in that it had the emergence of political parties as well as believing that the government overreached its power. 2.) Discuss the relationship between political parties and re-founding eras. • The first political party, the Federalists, created their name from the idea of Federalism. They believed in a strong government, but not an overreaching government. Thomas Jefferson (who formed the re-founding of Jeffersonian) believed the Federalists overreached with their views and ideas that the constitution could be stretched. However, they believe the constitution should be read as it is, no reading between the lines. Jefferson and his fellow Republicans believed in liberty, as well as majority rule. So clearly the nations first political party and a big re-founding era had some major differences. 3.) Discuss the various ways Progressivism and the New Deal challenge the laissez-faire economic principles of the late nineteenth century by reining in the market. How did Progressivism led to Roosevelt’s New Deal, and how did it change portions of the American Cress? • Laissez-faire is a French word that basically means “leave them alone” and “let them go”. This is usually applying to economics in respect to allowing free markets to work without government interference. The Progressives tended to be better educated, living in better places, and more shaped in believing that the government should intervene on behalf of those less fortunate. Which challenges the laissez-faire because that is not leaving people alone. Also, if the states wanted the help they had to play by the governments rules. In other words, if you want federal dollars you have to do what the government wants you to do. This is how the New Deal effected the relationship between the government and the states. Progressivism led to the New Deal because it …show more content…
The high tide of the process federalism happened during the 1980s, when the spring court decided in Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority. The 10th amendment did not give meaningful constitutional safety for states. The Cooperate theory is the study of how a cooperation can emerge as elucidated by application of game theory. I feel like our American Federalism is still holding strong. Each state has different laws based on who is in charge of that state pretty much. They have a higher boss to answer to, but overall I think each state is allowed to make their own laws and …show more content…
Yes, we do have freedom and free of speech. However, we still have to answer to the government at the end of the day. We still have them making laws and passing them based on what congress votes. After World War Two the government stepped in, using tax codes, to create a certain behavior, upon employers and its employees. The federal government began to build the surplus in the Social Security for other projects and had eventually led to the black hole course we now find ourselves in with the national debt. Even though they had a big economic growth, there were still some people who did not get the better end of the deal. It has always looked like for the most part the government is just money