James Earl Jones Accomplishments

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From leading a once silent life to starring in movies, tv shows, and plays James Earl Jones had many great accomplishments. James had an interesting family before he came along that went through a lot. James was faced with a very difficult childhood. Most children faced with things James went through, would’ve just given up, but not James. He had to overcome many great challenges and worked very hard in his early life. He soon became interested in acting, which soon became his life. Growing up in an unstable home to becoming a star, James came out on top with a very famous acting career. James great-great grandfather lived in Africa as a child, but was kidnapped and sold to a plantation owner in Mississippi in 1820 (Hasday 28). James grandfather, John Henry, moved James mother and her siblings around a lot as children. His grandfather was very focused on education for James mother, Ruth (Hasday 33). James mother met …show more content…
He began acting quickly, one of the staggering thirteen plays he appeared in during his first year was Othello. James had his big break while touring in Europe, playing in The Emperor Jones (“James Earl Jones” 4). James worked very hard to make a career for himself, also providing for a family (“James Earl Jones” 5). James continued to act and has made a big name for himself. “James Earl Jones, a once silent child, has forged a remarkable career in a field where oration and articulation are essential” (Hasday 113).
James Earl Jones made a name for himself, despite the many challenges he faced throughout his life. James family were different from most which is partly the reason James had the childhood he did. James as a young child and adult was faced with things most people weren’t. Nevertheless overcoming all those things James made himself a life that was unforgettable. He lived a very interesting and challenging life with many

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