1) The article “Is Technology Making Us Dumb?” is about how we rely on technology so much instead of our own knowledge. It talked about how relying on things like GPS limits the usage of our brain’s capacity for mapping our surroundings. The article highlights the fact that using technology affects many areas of the brain. An experiment was held and showed that a few regions of the brain were un active while using a GPS. The article also talks about how technology can be linked to illnesses like Dementia or Alzheimer’s due to shrinkage of the brain from overuse of technology. The article says overuse of technology can cause a bigger link between the brain and hand. The author also talks about how increased screen time can lead to emotional problems and depression. At the end, the article tells you to protect your brain; we need to lower our dependence on technology.
2) One fact that the author uses in this article is that the use of technology can be linked to dementia. The author told us about how researchers scanned brains of older adults who use a GPS and adults who use a map. The adults who use a map did better on a test used in the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, which leads to Alzheimer’s. …show more content…
We were talking about how technology has changed and made it to the point where we don’t have to do any kind of thinking or using our brain when it comes to looking for places. The conversation was brought on because we were in another city, and we wanted to know where a Mc Donald’s was. All we had to do to get that information was ask Siri, “where is the closets Mc Donald’s” and sure enough we found the directions. There was no kind of thinking involved. This goes to show that now we are so dependent on technology like the article