Choosing one sport to specialize in has become more and more common for younger athletes in the recent years and at first one might think that this would be a healthy choice and would relieve the stress of multiple sports and seasons throughout the entire year. Merkel prove this theory false however, “Continued participation concentrated on one sport is believed to increase the risk of sport-related injuries, peer isolation, burnout, psychosocial problems, and attrition” (Merkel, 15). This means that when a child chooses to specialize in one sport they increase their risk of injury, they limit the group of people they can interact with and build social skills with, they tend to get sick of the sport before they can peek in their athletic careers, and ultimately these kids are more likely to quit a sport due to stress caused by parents, teammates, and coaches. We all have seen that one parent or coach who takes their little league baseball competition far too seriously and are likely to ruin the experience of one or more children who are there simply to enjoy the chance to be outside and be with their friends.…