Argumentative Essay On Youth Sports

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Participation in sports has become common among children and adults. Youth sports are a fun way for kids under 18 to participate in sports and have fun doing what they love. Some people argue that youth sports teach young athletes the value of teamwork and leadership. Others argue that youth sports have become too intense and competitive. I believe that youth sports have become too intense and competitive because of the increased injuries in young athletes and the attitude of parents and coaches towards the children.

Young athletes are much more likely to get an injury and have concussions because they're younger and still growing. There are an estimated 20 million to 30 million children playing sports each year with more than 4 million reporting sports-related injuries. Millions of children are reporting sports-related injuries that could have long lasting effects on their young and fragile bodies. “Stress fractures, torn ligaments and tendinitis once commonly associated with adults in rigorous training now are frequent complaints of children because of high-intensity practices and competition”, Dr. Paul Stricker of La Jolla told a group gathered in San Francisco. The intensity and competitiveness of sports has taken a toll on the young athletes causing them harmful
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Sports helps to keep children out of trouble and inspire them to do great. They learn valuable skills, such as discipline, commitment following rules through sports. The experience will benefit them and make them a better in person in life. Parents and coaches can ruin the experience by overworking them to fulfill their needs. This causes the athletes to get more injured and bitter about the sport. Coaches should be able to develop better athletes and people by not overworking the children. Parents should encourage their children to play for the fun of the sport not promote winning to get what they

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