Is College Doomed By Graeme Woods Analysis

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College Life Technology is changing the world every second, especially in colleges, which is creating less and less social interaction. In Graeme Woods article “Is College Doomed” he explains the idea of Ben Nelson’s school called Minerva, and how it differs from a typical college. In Minerva, technology is the primary source for education, without technology Minerva would not exist; but with technology there does come problems, such as glitches. Having a college function by technology can not only fail because of the technical problems, but also cause students to become more secluded and diminish their social skills. Minerva is a University that is strictly all about a students education for their future careers in life, but college should …show more content…
Without these events college life wouldn’t be as memorable. Wood describes what Nelson wants to do because he thinks this will help a student’s education “The Minerva boast is that it will strip the university experience down to the aspects that are shown to contribute directly to student learning. Lectures, gone. Tenure, gone. Gothic architecture, football, ivy crawling up the walls—gone, gone, gone” (Wood). Stripping all these experiences away cannot only make college boring, but it can affect students social skills. Having a social life with athletic events experiences helps students build up confidence, meet new people, and break someone out of their shell, like it is starting to do with me. Now of course your number one focus in college is your education, I mean that’s why you are there, but having social activities is also good for you and can help you when you start the working world. Where it can help you when you are going in for an interview, because student’s can build up their confidence when attending these events and learn how to talk to people. Social events are also a great way to show school spirit, you should cheer on your school with pride and honor. One of my favorite things to do is go to football games or any sporting event and cheer on my team and support them, where everyone is coming together to become one for one purpose. Which is a very neat feeling because you feel like you’re a part of

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