Demonstrating that he has no feeling of guilt, the speaker says: “And strangled her. No pain felt she; I am quite sure she felt no pain.” In this line the speaker indicates how he was totally uninformed of the unpleasant homicide he had recently committed by going from "And choked her." which is such a frightful thing to happen and the vast majority would be shocked or guilty by what they had quite recently done. In any case, going ahead to say “No pain felt she; I am quite sure she felt no pain,” Demonstrates he is not mentally stable, as he has quite recently slaughtered somebody and is stating how she doesn't feel anything, which is insane. It totally highlights his absence of regret as he trusts Porphyria didn't feel any torment when it is really evident that a man would feel something if choked by their own particular hair. Additionally when the speaker says, “I am quite sure she felt no pain” Explains how ignored ladies were as he thought for her and didn't consider her
Demonstrating that he has no feeling of guilt, the speaker says: “And strangled her. No pain felt she; I am quite sure she felt no pain.” In this line the speaker indicates how he was totally uninformed of the unpleasant homicide he had recently committed by going from "And choked her." which is such a frightful thing to happen and the vast majority would be shocked or guilty by what they had quite recently done. In any case, going ahead to say “No pain felt she; I am quite sure she felt no pain,” Demonstrates he is not mentally stable, as he has quite recently slaughtered somebody and is stating how she doesn't feel anything, which is insane. It totally highlights his absence of regret as he trusts Porphyria didn't feel any torment when it is really evident that a man would feel something if choked by their own particular hair. Additionally when the speaker says, “I am quite sure she felt no pain” Explains how ignored ladies were as he thought for her and didn't consider her