Porphyria's Lover Comparison

Improved Essays
Comparison of “Last Duchess,” and “Lover.”
(An analysis of Robert Browning’s poems, “Last Duchess,” and “Porphyria's Lover.”)

Robert Browning was a victorian poet, who had a complex way of explicating the different types of love. There are many similarities betwixt the two poems. Firstly, in both poems, the man kills the woman, obviously with different motivations, but the outcome was similar. Secondly, he clarifies that both poems surround the fact that the women are victims of the man’s unhappiness. Lastly, Browning exemplifies how within both dramatic monologues, the man is jealous about how his companion behaves. Also, there are two reasons why the two poems are different. First, the reader understands who the woman is within the poem, “Porphyria's Lover.” In succession, the speaker exemplifies the different motives for killing the woman. Robert Browning’s two poems, “Last Duchess,” and
“Porphyria’s Lover,” share some ideas that were common, however they also differed. Within Robert Browning’s poems, there are an abundant examples of how they are similar. To begin, the poems surround a major fact that the husband and lover kill the women. In the poem, “Last Duchess,” the Duke was angry at his wife for being happy all of the time, so he killed her
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Second, he clarifies that both poems encompass the fact that the women are victims of the man’s self-pity. Lastly, the author explicates how, within both dramatic monologues, the man is jealous about how his companion behaves. Also, there are two reasons why the poems differentiate from one another. First off, the reader clarifies who the woman is within the poem, “Porphyria's Lover.” Secondly, the speaker exemplifies the different motives for killing the

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