Inmate Vs Prison Research Paper

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Inmate are expensive to maintain and if you went to jail or prison today, and you commented a minor crime, should it be far to get the same sentence as a major crime? No right. The reason I ask is because many inmates are being overly sentenced for crimes that aren't major. In Some cases just because you're black or other ethnicity, you will get extra time from in jail right off the bat. The reasons for this in some states and areas are from judges abusing their power to give an inmate any amount of months or years depending on how they fill in that moment or day. In other cases it could just be the county that the crime is being committed. Perry A.Craft indicates that individuals caught breaking the law are arrested, charged, and …show more content…
Every inmate adds on to taxes for every U.S. citizens, that could be avoided by not in housing so many inmates that doesn't need to be there. American taxpayers are paying more than they realize to support their local jails, Matthew Speiser believes many jail costs are paid for out of county and municipal general funds, not correctional budgets and I agree. Money is being wasted on jail and inmates and 25% of the time the criminal is not guilty or their crime was small, and the taxpayer gets hit with all the payments. Vera researchers found that the total taxpayer cost of prisons in all 40 states that participated in this study was 13.9 percent higher than the cost reflected in those states’ combined corrections budgets. In all the price for taxpayers were $39 billion, $5.4 billion more than the $33.5 billion that was only incorrection budgets. Over time the budget will get larger if we don't control it now. By 2022 the budget will increase to somewhere around 6% to 9%, thats a lot of money that is being spent on murderers and terrorist and mostly the police officer.

Taxpayer money is being spent on food that is being wasted and items not need for jail or prisons. The amount a jail or prison cost to make is crazy, witch could be money in the citizen's pocket and not the government. The price of making one hole prison (like nanba) would save so much money and more room around
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Cops hold too much power to be able to lie in the judge's face and have the judge believe him immediately. An alleged criminal in an all orange jumpsuit or an well respected police officer in uniforms who just swore to God, they’re telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but? As one of my colleagues recently put it, Everyone knows you have to be crazy to accuse the police of lying. But are police officers necessarily more trustworthy than alleged criminals? I do think so.
In this era of mass incarceration, the police shouldn’t be trusted any more than any other witness, perhaps less so.That may sound harsh, but numerous law enforcement officials have put the matter more bluntly. They have brutally killed black men and arrested the just for walking on the side of the

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