As dog diseases go you will find that liver cancer has a couple of different types. There is primary liver cancer, hemolymphatic cancer, and metastatic cancer. Hemolymphatic liver cancer is transferred by blood cells in the body or by the lymphoid tissue. Mestastatic cancer is usually cancer that spread from the other organs in the body. You will find that metastatic cancer is one of the most common forms. Primary liver cancer tends to be rare, but when it does form it is malignant. This type of cancer forms directly from the …show more content…
Symptoms are lethargy, vomiting, appetite loss, abdominal bloating, pale gums, limb weakness, respiratory issues, jaundice, and weight loss. As you can expect the weight loss and loss of appetite are usually combined symptoms. You will also find that the symptoms become more pronounced as the disease progresses. This means that while the dog may have displayed three symptoms for the last six months they will generally have more symptoms as the disease becomes worse and the other symptoms will become worse. You will find that as the disease progresses the cancer cells increase in size. A good spot to look for jaundice is going to be around the eyes as it can be difficult to recognize it in other areas. You will also find that coughing is another symptom that may bring up blood when they become