The immune system is the body system that the influenza virus attacks. This paragraph is going to be the structure and function of the immune system. The lymph nodes of the immune system is like a trading centers for the immune cells. Lymph nodes are also places for examination for destroyed cells. The spleen can be considered a large lymph node. The bone marrow forms an essential part of the immune system by producing the different types of white blood cells. The immune system works when something that is unwanted enters the …show more content…
It is a round ball with spikes poking out of it. The spikes stick out all over the virus. The parts that make up the influenza virus are rather important for the virus to be able to attack it’s prey. Neuraminidase- is protein that allows the influenza to enter the victim's body and transmit the virus into the body. Hemagglutinin- is a viral protein for the virus. Capsid- protein shell of a virus. It consists of several structural subunits made from proteins called protomers. RNA- Ribonucleic Acid is a molecule implicated in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of genes. Lipid Envelope- helps the virus avoid the immune system. Ion Channel- a channel in a cell membrane that opens or closes to control the passage of sodium, potassium, calcium, or chloride ions in