Artisans ran shops at their homes, however growing demand were moving manufactures from households to factories. Workshops grew in size and tasks were subdivided into less skilled segments of work. “The time spent in a factory,” explained a Massachusetts observer “will produce ten times as much as it will in household manufactures” (Clark, 2008, p. 348). Not too long after even newer working systems took place, further subdividing tasks making it easier to replace skilled journeymen with less trained workers. Dividing tasks and reducing skill only made it more difficult for journeymen or apprentices to become masters. Deprived of independent means, these artisans became employees, thus becoming economically
Artisans ran shops at their homes, however growing demand were moving manufactures from households to factories. Workshops grew in size and tasks were subdivided into less skilled segments of work. “The time spent in a factory,” explained a Massachusetts observer “will produce ten times as much as it will in household manufactures” (Clark, 2008, p. 348). Not too long after even newer working systems took place, further subdividing tasks making it easier to replace skilled journeymen with less trained workers. Dividing tasks and reducing skill only made it more difficult for journeymen or apprentices to become masters. Deprived of independent means, these artisans became employees, thus becoming economically