The topic of minimum wages is an ongoing debate that is currently being argued from the street corners to the corporate board rooms and even in the courtrooms of America. Businesses generally oppose the increases because the additional payroll costs could result in layoffs or increases in the costs of goods and services. Every worker deserves to earn a decent living and the increased wages will help. An increase in the minimum wage will provide workers with the boost needed to support families.
Considering the many challenges facing today’s workers, it’s understandable that many are eager to see the minimum wages rise. For too long we have read about the income equality reaching its highest level since the Great Depression, wages have stagnated for all be the very top and equal access to opportunity, the pillar of American greatness, is disappearing before our eyes (Johnson). The efforts to increase the minimum wage are part of a larger debate across the country about the divide between the poor and the wealthy. Building a sustainable …show more content…
They should also be talking about raising the minimum wage. A Gallop Poll evaluated by Andrew Dugan indicates a new minimum wage would have a sizable impact on public assistance programs throughout the nation. With momentum building at the federal and state level to increase hourly base pay, more than three-quarters of Americans (76%) say they would vote for raising the minimum wage (Dugan). Therefore, we should put politics aside and the welfare of America’s citizens evaluated. While some employers cut jobs in response to a minimum-wage increase, others find that a higher wage floor enables them to fill their vacancies and reduce turnover, which raises employment, even though it eats into their profits. Defaulting to the conservative stance, the minimum must be